Interior Detail & Exterior Detail
Restore and Seal starts at $325 *
Hand wash
Bug removal
Degrease wheel wells and tires
Clay bar to remove contaminants
6-12 month spray sealant applied
Clean all bright work chrome including grills and bumpers
Streak-free interior and exterior glass cleaning
Courtesy Vaccum
Unfortunately, detailing services cannot be standardized as each vehicle’s needs vary. Our pricing packages and quotations are customized based on your vehicle’s size and condition. Additional fees may apply for excessive dirt caused by “kid grime,” pet hair, stubborn stains, biohazardous incidents, or odor concerns, all of which will be clearly outlined in your complimentary quote.
Life Inside Your Vehicle is a Mess!
Most people do not realize how much dirt and how many allergens they unintentionally transfer into their vehicle on a daily basis. In fact, every time you get into the driver’s seat, you bring with you dirt, grass, leaves, ice, snow, and rain in on your shoes. With every button you push you transfer a little bit of everything you have touched prior to getting into the vehicle from food and hand oils to lotion, gasoline, body sweat, and bacteria from handling keys, door knobs, and dirty old money!
Your clothing brings in dust, dyes, pet hair and stray fibers. If you bring in a purse, a briefcase, luggage or grocery bags, you are transferring everything they touched into your vehicle.Some people say the inside of your vehicle is proportionally dirtier than a public toilet, since most public toilets get cleaned every night. When certified professional detailer Kelly Mankin cleans your interiors, she look at it like an art and science of clean. She is an expert at reviving old and maintaining new interiors. It is like driving a new vehicle all the time, even after several years. Clean, debris-free carpets; rich shiny hard plastic surfaces like your dashboard and console; scuff-free inside door panels, and a brilliant new car shine – all the time!

Kid Grime & Pets

If you have pets and heavy kid grime, Ake Ake Pro Detail has tools that work miracles on every surface of your interior. We specialize in removing sticky hand prints from leather, vinyl, hard plastics, and windows.
We use a professional pet stone to remove dog hair; and use premium stain and odor removal products and techniques to remove lingering odors and the bacteria, dampness, mold, mildew, sweat, stale food and drinks, smoke, chemical spills, and unfortunate bio-hazardous accidents that cause them.
The result is a fresh, clean that feels like new – but we aren’t finished!
Premium Services & Long-term Interior Protection
Ake Ake Pro Detail has several interior dressings and highly innovative coatings that seal in the clean and repel dirt and scuff marks; resist sweaty, sticky hand prints; and force spilled liquids to bead-up on fabrics and leather, so they roll off the surface before they can be absorbed into the fibers of the fabric or carpeting.
For more severe stains and odors, Ake Ake Professional Detail offers premium European steam clean technology to scour your seats and carpets, and all your hard surfaces. Hot vapor mixed with an environmentally-safe chemical solution and powerful extraction, removes stains and bacterial residue that causes odors.
If you have been sneezing or having headaches, it may be because pollen and allergens are blowing in through your HVAC system. European steam clean technology will reach up into those vents and extract allergy-causing contaminants.